Welcome post

First Blog Post: The Metaphorical Backing Track

This is my very first post, I have even left the title the same. I was like, well this is a nice way to introduce things. Now, what things do I want to introduce, myself maybe?

Well, I am the girl, the girl with the white headphones. I became ‘her’ when I was living in London a few years back. I spent a lot of time saving up for these awesome Dr. Dre Beats that I’d had my eye on for a while – which are now broken (as is almost everything I own.) Anyway, after the first time I’d wrapped those beautiful, shiny, white, cushion-y noise-cancelling headphones around my neck, I couldn’t take them off, (unless of course I was showering, or sleeping – and even then, not always.) Side story: (side note: I get sidetracked a lot, something you ought to know!) Once, I was on holiday with friends and ended up in a room with a snorer. I couldn’t sleep, so I tried what most people would at first and covered my ears by folding the pillow around my head; that failed, I could feel my weak arm straining to keep the pillow from bouncing back to its normal position. I realised that my headphones would be the one thing that could keep going until the morning sun would creep in and wake me up. I reached out and grabbed my headphones, put them on and played some music. I slept happily ever after. So back to how I got my name: I used to work at two different places on the same road where my flat was. I was well-known to the people of the community, some were my friends (who obviously knew my name) and others refered to me as ‘the girl with the white headphones.’ It stuck, and ever since then that has been my own disguise, and if superheros were a reality – I would be the one who would find a way to fight back with music! (but also maybe use them as a boomerang? cause well, you know as superheroes, we all need a kick-ass gadget for protection.)

Just like a musical playlist on shuffle, my blog will not be composed of posts that all follow the same rhythm.

Now that that’s over, let me tell you what I am doing here. I am here to share my stories, express some ideas, shed some feelings, advise, entertain, and hopefully help. Help, how / why? well because everything we do anyway has some consequence and effect on others (regardless of whether we know these results or not.) I have decided to contrive my consequences into positive ones. You might find that you relate to something I’ve written, you may find an answer you were looking for, you might just want to come and entertain yourself, hopefully my writing can do that for you.

I have experienced a lot in life; been through many metaphorical tunnels, and been on many metaphorical rollercoasters. This might be why, ever since I was younger, I was the person people came to for advice. I have always been lucky enough to be trusted by them, to have my opinions be regarded as solutions. I hope that one day, my readers and I can build relationships, that I can directly help with a dire problem or passing frustration.

I’ve met people, liked them, disliked them, listened to them, analysed them, respected them, understood them, loved them, lost them and now I am here to write about them.