relationships Thoughts that consume

Beads and Broken Hearts

No matter where you are in the world
or where you're going next.
You move, and country hop
with memories around your neck.

A beaded necklace 
A single bead for everyone you've loved and left.

Goodbyes are the moments that everyone dreads.
We pour ourselves into others,
and then wish for the best.

No matter where you are in the world,
no matter where you go.
You've left behind 'what ifs' and 'why not's'
and now you'll never know.
Thoughts that consume Uncategorized

Some Days’ Everyday

The sun rose and so did she. he weather much better than he rotten mood she was in.

She contemplated getting up, instead she rolled over, shut her eyes and wished that…

…by the next time she awakens; reality would have reformed somehow.

Thoughts that consume

Inner Sight – Insight

Shards of glass spiraling towards me like Shurikens

And now,

Though one eye ceases to see,

More than ever before,

I can see more clearly.

YOU in 2019

This Is Who You Are In 2019… Regardless Of Your Horoscope

Favourable experiences bring us happiness, unfavourable ones bring about sadness. However, both alike, provide clarity and a lesson learned.

We all feel lost sometimes, we all feel weak sometimes (I personally have been feeling a little less than adequate recently,) and sometimes we all need a reminder of just how special and amazing we are.

*This is the first of monthly post son this topic series.

1- You are FREE!

The Guardian interviewed an Australian nurse who had recorded her patients’ dying epiphanies. The most voiced regret amongst those on their deathbeds was them wishing to have lived their own life. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Never make a choice that will take you away from your inner desires, biggest dreams and endless opportunities. As Natasha Bedingfield once sang “Live your life with arms wide open.”

2- You are AMAZING!

I have trouble remembering that I am, sometimes. I find that with all the conflict, stress and misfortune I come across on a daily basis – It is easier to blame my personality for how others react. I blame my failed experiences on my character. That’s not a fair thing to do. It’s not for me to dampen my soul because I can always seem to find a reason to use in favour of why a boyfriend would leave, a friend would give up, an interviewer would decline me and the list goes on..

Now I’m not denying that I, we, all have room for improvement. I am however, promoting the idea that we are already masterpieces of our own creation… just in need of new frames.

I’m assuming that someone else out there feels the same way sometimes.

So to everyone out there reading: The moment your self-esteem becomes shattered by the words which were uttered by those who don’t love you; think of the words repeated by those who do. You are amazing, incredible, with your flaws and your issues. You are precious with your genuine smile and quirky laugh. 

Remember that, “You’re amazing, just the way you are.” Yes! Bruno Mars.

I hope you’ve enjoyed January’s reminders. Each month, I’ll post two reminders. I have hope that we will nourish our inner heroes on this journey together.


February’s reminder titles:

  • You’re Not Alone
  • Your Specialty



Thoughts that consume

The + In The –

There I was, getting into bed, thinking to myself that I’ve had a long enough day already. Sleep was the only thing on my mind, until I started contemplating posting something. “Do it tomorrow instead of today,” said that little voice inside my head. It continued, “Heater is on, bed is warm, tomorrow is only a few hours away.”

Yet, I felt guilty about giving up on the part of me who wants to see something through for once. I listened to my more hopeful and definitely less lazy inner voice, it made me feel guilty for almost giving up before even starting. My message to myself, and to you today would be…

Try not to complicate things, I thought I’d have trouble writing and waste time just thinking. The thought of how much trouble it might be for me to glare (as one does) at a brightly lit screen in a pitch black room was unpleasant until that positive inner voice gave me another nudge. “Just a little one, like yesterday.”

Now, however, that I am here and already typing I can safely say I am proud of little ol’ me for overcoming what I could have easily given into. My negative thoughts. Moreover, I’ve learned a lesson in the process…

So just to put this out there, to you who has stumbled upon this post. Don’t let the thoughts that are fleeting or fears of the unknown define you, restrict you or scare you out of doing something, anything you want to do. Chances are, the moment you take that first step, you’ll forget everything and enjoy the moment, that long lasting, self-defining moment. The passion that led you to wanting whatever it is that you seek will be the key to demolishing your negative thoughts. Feed on it, use it, let it become you.

As moments pass, faster than you thought, and as things come to end… the drive might settle, but just for a while. And until you go back to that place again, you’ll be left with the sweetest aftertaste of your victory!
